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Emergency Child Care/COVID 19


“I believe that to teach them effectively you must touch their hearts long before you begin to teach their minds” ~ Vicki Savini

Tumbleweed Infant and Preschool Houses have been operating as Emergency Child Care since April 1st. After spending time refining and practicing our new state mandated guidelines and practices with the initial group of families of essential workers, we were able to open our doors to all of those who are needing quality childcare to support their family.

​In doing this we feel that it is important to prioritize:


Health and sanitation:

Adherence to all new policies as outlined by the Early Learning Division and Oregon Health Authority


Daily Health checks: Staff and children’s temperatures taken and recorded daily, monitoring of symptoms


Enhanced Exclusion Policy with longer exclusion window


Supervised, frequent handwashing with children and use of hand sanitizer where allowed


Enhanced cleaning throughout the day


Individual, staggered meal service


Adjustment of the environment to allow ease of sanitation

Stable groups of no more than 10 children


Social distancing: 

Including families who social distance at home and limit their social bubble, or have created their own pod


Smaller, stable groups


Consistent and predictable care during this stressful time.



Frequently asked questions:


What is an Emergency Child Care?

In Oregon, all registered and certified childcare providers are required to close at this time. Providers may only re-open if they have applied for and received an Emergency Child Care License, where providers are required to follow a set of rules set by the Early Learning Division and Oregon Health Authority to support the best practices for health and safety.

Are you currently only offering care to essential workers? 

We are being asked by the state of Oregon and the Early Learning Division to prioritize those families who are first responders/essential workers, however at this time we are providing care to any family who matches our enrollment needs. Contact Briana for more information in enrollment!


Are you providing food?

We are still providing two snacks and a lunch while your child is in care. These are served by the teachers, while we take a step back from family style meals.


What happens if someone in the Tumbleweed Community becomes diagnosed with COVID-19?

When we have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 we will follow our protocols for maintaining health and safety, which could include closures for cleaning and sanitizing, exclusion of all family members for 14 days, and recommendation for school-wide testing. We will follow the guidance from the Oregon Health Authority for the best steps to take to keep our community safe and healthy.


What is your exclusion policy (due to illness)?

Children and Staff will be excluded from site for 72 hours with any of these symptoms:


Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose,     runny, watery, or bloody stool)


Vomiting Fever over 100.4 degrees F


Severe Cough


Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes


Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus-filled


Eyes with recurring goop or drainage


Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above


Difficulty breathing or abnormal wheezing


Complaints of severe pain

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